Sunday, April 25, 2010

It's Called Insomnia

If you know that song, you're kinda amazing. <3
Anyway I haven't blogged in a really long time, like almost a week, so I should write something. Alot's been going on, so I'll have something to say at least.

So, my aunt was in an accident a few days ago. Her kids were all in the car. They're all alright now, only one is still even in the hospital. Except Alice. We got the call on Friday that she didn't make it. She was only four.

My cousins have always been a part of my life. Whenever we used to go visit my aunt, she'd always let me watch the kids when she was at work. A few years ago, we all even went to DisneyLand and I got to be the babysitter for the younger ones while the older ones did their own thing. They're my inspiration for why I want to be a pediatrician. They're why I love kids.

So anyway, it's hitting us sorta harder than expected. Thankfully Mom's been alright. I've been doing a little worse, but Ben and Bethany and a few of my other friends have been helping to keep my mind off it, which I'm thankful for.

We're all going out to Nevada for the funeral. So far the trip has been very long. We picked up my dad in Denver. We like to pretend we're a happy family at least. After that we had 6 hour drive to get to Nevada. That was last night. I watched a movie and talked to Ben and that helped. I had my headphones on. Then Mom told me to go to sleep, because I hadn't slept at all the night before.

It is hard to sleep when the two other people in the car are fighting nonstop. Honestly, you'd think they do it on purpose. "The exit ramp is the next one" "No, it's not, it's 132, I've told you this over and over do you even listen?" Wow, why don't we actually READ the exit sign and it'll tell us? It's frustrating. So I got no sleep last night.

But today we got to the hotel and I crashed for four hours. Now, here's the thing. I'm used to never sleeping. I'm a bit insomniatic by nature. So after four hours of sleep, I feel completely awake and fine. I guess that's a good thing?

Anyway, there's your update.


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