Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sorry for the emo post yesterday. I'm a little frustrated with some parts of my life at the moment. :P But I'm over it now so it's okay.

Last night my new friend Anna got told never to talk to me again. It made me really sad. But I guess it's for the better that she do as told. Kinda frustrating though because she's going through tons of stuff, crying her eyes out, having an altogether bad day and asking me for advice, and her cousin pulls this jerk move along the lines of "stop talking to your online friends or I'll tell your parents and they'll take away your phone". What wonderful timing. :\ But oh well, hopefully Anna's computer will get fixed soon and we can talk on Facebook again.

In other news, Katie-Ana still hasn't had her baby.

And I found this completely awesome site. It's called Dear Meat. I love it. It's anonymous letters written by people to anyone or anything for any reason. I think it's creative and I really like reading what people say. I'm contemplating writing a letter in, but I don't know if I will..

Anyway this is a happier post to replace yesterday's.
Hi to Chris cause he's whining about how I never namedrop him here. He must not read this much. :P

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