Tuesday, May 11, 2010

With Respect To Emily Dickinson

I never typed a blog,
I never tumbled too,
Yet know I HTM and L
And have a thought or two.

Good morning.
Alexx will most likely yell at me when he finds out I've been on his blog. And he'll probably delete this. So if you're reading this, lucky you.
I'm his best friend Katie-Ana and I officially don't know what to say. So hello.

So...this is Alexx's blog...but I don't know what to say...so I shall now post a survey about him. So you can all be happy and know everything about him that he's probably never said. Congratulations.

Basic Info About Your Best Friend!
Your name: Katie-Ana
Best friend's Name? Alexxandre Jasper Reed
Your age? 16
Best friends Age? 15
How long have you known each other? 8 years
Is this the only best friend you have I have lots of friends, but he and I are more like siblings

When did you meet? March 22nd
How old were you both? I was 8 and he was 7
Where did you meet? first met at the park, then he followed me home. The stalker
How did you meet? He followed me home for weeks and sat outside my window. Finally I let him in one night because it was cold outside
Did you get along instantly? pretty much
Why do you feel you became best friends? because we're so much alike and so much different that it's perfect

You were instantly friends: true
Your best friend knows every single one of your secrets: true
You think you know all their secrets: true
You believe that this person is the most loyal friend you have: somewhat. I mean, of course he's loyal, but I think some of my other friends are as well.
You believe this friendship will last until the end of time: of course it will
This person is the most supportive person you know: probably
This person is the one you call when you have a problem: definitely
You have not slept with person:.... this is so debatable. let's make this hotter. yes we have.
This person is/was/will be your best man/maid of honor: sadly..no. I regret that.
There is nothing you do not know about this person: oh I'm sure there are some things. He's complex.

Well, let's test your knowledge! (these are all questions about your best friend)
Eye Color: green
Hair color: red
Hair style: long and straight usually
Height: 5'3 or so. last time we measured. I'm still taller.
Weight: 118 more or less
Shoe size: size 7
Number of piercings: I'm going to guess six?
Number of tattoos: still working on convincing him of that.
Favorite Color: I honestly don't know. Purple?
Favorite TV show: It darn well better be Be Good, Johnny Weir
Favorite Movie: 27 Dresses and/or Ratatouille
Favorite pair of shoes: I think he only has two..
Favorite Clothing store: Pac-Sun
Favorite food: crepes
Favorite animal: he doesn't like animals much
Favorite restaurant: Red Robin
Favorite Band: Augustana..?
Favorite Song: the most-played song on his ipod is 'Courage' by Superchick. We'll go with that. I think it changes alot.
Favorite Genre of music: uh...techno?
Favorite perfume/cologne: he mixes his own. It's called "Candy Shoppe" He taught me how to make it once but I forgot. It smells really good though
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: tea. he's obsessed with it
Favorite city: he loves Chicago. He and I were going to live there together at one point. hah
Who does he/she live with: his mom
What kind of car does your best friend drive: he can't drive until he's 18
Parent's Name(s): Chloe and ... oh gosh, um ... just a guess, Jasper?
Siblings names: Rosalynne
Pet's names: I have no idea he calls the cat something different daily
Bedroom colors: orange
First boyfriend/girlfriend: Jordan
First school attended: he was homeschooled like me

What is your best friend's religion? Christian
Do you practice it also? yes
Do you agree with it? yes
Do you argue about it? no

Has this person met your significant other? yes
Do they get along or would they get along? they do not
Do they consider each other friends? no
Have you met your best friend's significant other? ooh, well I've met this kid named Matt who pretty much THINKS he's Alexx's boyfriend, but Alexx technically is single and madly in love with someone else who I also happen to know. It's a soap opera. I keep popcorn by my computer screen
How many relationships has your best friend been through since you have known him/her? 3
Are you their "crying shoulder" when something goes wrong? yes.

Totally Random stuff no one asks about your friend!
Weirdest gift you have received from your friend? a bra. it was awkward.
Weirdest gift you bought for your friend? a frog skin
When was your first sleepover? when we first met
What did you do? talked alot
Have you been intoxicated or otherwise under the influence together? we sniffed crayons until we got a little high once
Does your friend smoke? If so, what? no, he's against drugs of any sort
Does your friend drink often? If so, what? he did like, once or twice
Has your best friend seen you naked? yes. but that is an awkward memory
Have you ever been to the doctor together? Why? haha yes. He took me to my first girl doctor appointment. It was much less scary.
Do you think you could live together? we did for a year and intended to at one point
Why/Why not? we're compatible
What thing does your best friend most often say? "I know"
What thing does your best friend do that irritates you most? hm..he imitates a girl voice perfectly and it bothers me, and he does it with the single intention of doing just that.
What are five things about your best friend that nobody knows? Oh wow. hm. When he's embarrassed he blushes and touches his face distractedly, usually his nose or lips. When he's sleepy he plays with the ends of his hair, and he'll deny that he's tired. He's fiercely against hitting women, and at age 10 was beat up by a girl consequently. He writes brilliant R rated fiction, though he only does it on dares and if you beg and he'll deny it vehemently. And...his voice is surprisingly low and doesn't match him, but it never really 'changed' it's been that way as long as I've known him.

Well, now this will be deleted, but that's alright, because blogging was fun!


- Katie-Ana


  1. Katie, Katie, Katie...

    my favorite song is not Courage, that's just most-played for other reasons.

    My dad's name is Luc, I was given the middle name Jasper because when I was born my eyes were so light green they were almost clear like Jasper.

    And I don't write R rated stories, so shush. xD

    And give me back my password.

  2. You never told me that. :O I just thought it was a family name. And you have to give me the benefit of the doubt I've never met your father on a first-name basis.

    And if you say so...

    No password. Not until tomorrow. x3

  3. i must say, i have enjoyed reading all of this. quite possibly only because it's 1:26 am and i'm on page 2 of a 7 page research paper on the merits/shortcomings of e. dickinson's literature that's due at 10 am. kudos to y'all regardless :)

  4. ooh, good luck! I think she's intriguing as a person and an author. She had interesting outlooks, and she's among my favourite poets. :)
