Monday, January 18, 2010

The Ocean

"I need you here tonight just like the ocean needs the waves, just like the stars that fall around us now..."

I was listening to Mae today. They're not my favorite band, but they have one beautiful song called "The Ocean" whose lyrics I quoted above. While I was listening, I wrote another story. It's a little sad, a little happy, a little bit reflective.
And it's really personal. So I'm not going to post it here, but if you want to read it, comment back on here and maybe I'll send it to you.

Anyway, today was melancholy, but I am alive.

We moved 2 days ago. Our house sold, so we left, drove all night, and got here the next morning. Painted rooms all day yesterday. Today my mom started work. I'm all moved in (I only have 3 boxes of worldly possessions) and adjusting to life.
We're in a city now, which is new for us. We're also in a house this time. A small one, but a house nonetheless. We have a yard, which I've never had before in my life. Ben says I should plant a tree and name it Mr. Tree. Bethany says I should name it George or Adam Lambert. I think I'll name it Mr. Adam George Lambert Tree XIV.
I also have my own bedroom. Which is wonderful. Except for one thing. I'm so used to sleeping with my mom in the room that I camped out on her floor last night. How lame is that for a 15 year old?
Anyway, I like it here. I'm in Central Time now. An hour before Ben and Beth and Kat and Karl, two hours before Matt, same time as Elise, an hour before Taylor and Chris, and two hours before Zach and Kari. Sounds confusing, but I have it all figured out.

Speaking of Karl.
I talked to him alot over the past while. Enough to figure out some stuff about him. Now I get the feeling I'm on his nerves. So I'm not going to strike up conversation again. He'll message me when he feels like talking to me. Until then, I'm going to keep clicking open his name in MSN, struggling with maybe saying something stupid or asking a fake question to catch his attention. But I need to not do that. The last thing I want is to push him away. He's one of the few people in this world who really understands me very well.
That sounded stupid. aha. Oh well.

Taylor got in a car wreck cause he was high (AND STUPID). Broke his collarbone in 5 places or something. That's what you get for being stupid and doing drugs and drinking. Ugh.
But I love him and hope he recovers quickly. And learns from this mistake. I don't need him dying. D:

Anyway, yeah, I'm going to go listen to "The Ocean" again. It's a peaceful, wonderful song. You should listen to it too.


  1. Heyyy Jazzy! It's Beth. Can you send that story to me? :D Pleaseee?
    P.S. Mr. Adam George Lambert Tree XIV sounds like a PERFECT name for the tree...but what does XIV stand for again? :P

  2. Sure, next time you're on MSN remind me. (:

    lol it means "14". So like, Mr. Adam George Lambert Tree The Fourteenth. Sweet, eh? ;D
