Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today. Wasn't so bad.

After Kohl's we went and ate at that Crayola restaurant.
That was weird.

Then I took a nap when we got home.
I had nice dreams, so that was fun.

Then I took my geometry test.
Which wasn't so bad.

Then Kohl's called back and my mom's hired. They want her to start orientation tonight. Which seems a bit fast if you ask me, but I guess that's a good thing.

So I'm going to be sitting home alone tonight watching movies.
And eating whole wheat popcorn. I love how they actually make that. Wheat =/= popcorn. But whatever, it doesn't taste half bad. lol

The reason I'm actually posting this is so I can get a list of ideas down for a story (completely not related, right?) because otherwise I'll forget.
The Future
The 50s
World War II Spies
I want to write a story, like, an actual, chapter by chapter, honest to goodness - story. But not using all those topics at once. haha Just one. But I'll forget unless I write it down somewhere.
So why not here?

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