Thursday, June 3, 2010

"And They Lived Happily Ever After" (A fairy tale for Daphne)

Written: 6/03/2010
Characters: Josh and Daphne (Girl)
Setting: I have nooooo idea.

Gather round, and I'll tell you a little story! 8D

Once upon a time, there was a girl. And her name (I'm bubbling with originality at the moment) (and sugarrrrr). Now Girl spent her time practicing the piano because her teacher told her to. And she liked it alright, but she dreamed of playing the electric guitar. She could imagine herself, in front of a thousand people, playing backup rhythm guitar in a major-label rock band. But every time she saved up enough money to get her guitar, her piano would be out of tune, and she would end up spending the money to have it re-tuned before her next lesson.

That fall, Girl's favourite band was touring near her town. She was captivated by their music, and furthermore, by the handsome lead singer Josh. She had pictures of him and even a few pictures she'd drawn of both of them together that she kept in her pockets at all times. She'd never tell a soul, but even in her dreams she was always playing backup rhythm guitar in
his band. When she heard they would be nearby, she saved every penny she earned to buy a ticket, but the shows were all sold out long before she had enough. On the afternoon before the last concert, Girl walked brokenhearted along a narrow alleyway. As leader of the fan club, she knew the band was staying in the hotel she wandered behind. Reaching a curb, she sat down. The cold October wind blew stronger than usual that day. As she pulled out one of her pictures she had drawn of her and Josh, the wind made a quick gust and pulled it from her hands to heights unknown. Saddened even more by this, she ran home as fast as she could, trying not to cry. In her haste, she failed to notice that the drawing had landed safely on a balcony of the hotel. As fate would have it, Josh stepped onto the balcony at that very moment and picked up the drawing. He turned it around. It was drawn on the back of an ad for a used guitar, purple, with sparkly pickups and volume tuners. Chilled by the wind, he walked back inside and placed it on his dresser and left the room to get something to eat.

Back at Girl's house, she was sitting on her bed, wishing she could be at the last concert. She looked over at her clock. 9:37 PM. The show started at 10:00 and went until 1:30. She sighed. She closed her eyes and only opened them at the sound of someone going through her dresser. She sat straight up. There stood an overweight man with an orange mohawk and a biker vest. Before she could ask who he was he replied by asking her "You wanna go to that concert?" Girl simply nodded. "Then go." She began to explain to him that it was sold out and too late to go anyway, but he disappeared in a orange puff, leaving behind a purple guitar - the one she'd wanted. Drifting down to rest on the edge of her dresser was a single ticket to the show - only the ticket said the show ended at midnight. She glanced over at the clock. Some Josh was better than no Josh. She picked up her ticket and her bag and left the room. On an afterthought, she came back and picked up the guitar too. Maybe he could sign it or something.

When she got to the show, there was a crowd already pressing through the door. Girl walked up to see if she could get in a different way, but a security guard waved her through a back door. Weirded out, she glanced down at her ticket. It now read "VIP backstage access." That hadn't been there before. She wandered through the backstage spider web of wires and cables. As she neared the stage she could hear the band starting their first song. But something was wrong. Josh stopped singing and said something ununderstandable (fake words ftw) into the microphone. A few minutes later a backstage hand found Girl and looked her over. "You play that thing?" Girl looked down at the guitar without answering. "Good, the guitarist got food poisoning, get out there." He shoved her out onstage. Facing the thousands of fans, Girl grew nervous, but then remembered her dream. Josh looked back at her. AT HER. She smiled. "You know these songs?" he handed her a list. She just nodded. Maybe she'd magically play the guitar like her pass had magically become VIP. As the concert started, she realized that, sure enough, she knew every riff that came next. It was the best night she'd ever had in her entire life. The two hours passed far too fast. It was around midnight, in the middle of a guitar solo that all of a sudden, her guitar stopped making any noise at all. No matter what strings she played, no sound came out as if it had been unplugged. She checked the cord but it was still intact. Josh glanced back at her questioningly. She was blushing by now out of embarrassment. After a few more painfully long moments of trying, she just turned and ran offstage. She got tangled in the cables and tripped, but picked her guitar back up and kept running until she was back home in her room. 12:17.

Josh was walking offstage after the most interesting show he'd had in a while, when he nearly tripped on something. A glittery volume tuner. He'd seen it before. It had been on the girl who played the guitar's guitar. And it had been on that advertisement on the back of the drawing he'd found earlier. Had the same girl drawn that? He asked a few backstage workers but nobody recalled asking the girl for her name, just seeing her run out of the building around midnight. As the band packed up to head to their next destination, Josh couldn't get the mysterious girl out of his head. Somehow he'd find her.

It wasn't until the following spring that he did. As the band had taken some time off, he'd decided to revisit the town. Doing the only logical thing, he held auditions for a guitarist, female, with a purple guitar. He hadn't expected so many purple guitars were actually in circulation. But Girl's was not among them. None of them were missing a volume control, let alone a glittery one. Girl after girl passed through the "auditions" with nothing more than a 'don't call me, I'll call you' response. Hopeless, he gave up his search. As he was walking down a sidewalk outside the building, he came across a girl leaning against the wall. She was talking to herself, pausing to check her watch before turning and picking up a guitar case and walking the opposite direction. On impulse, he followed her until he caught up to her. She recognized him instantly and dropped her guitar case, popping open the clasps. Out tumbled a purple guitar. He leaned down, reaching in his pocket and pulled out the volume control. It fit perfectly on the switch.

And so, Girl joined the band on tour, and Josh and Girl rocked out happily ever after.



Sooooooo, I couldn't parody a song, so I thought if I parodied a fairy tale that might work instead? :3
I haven't written fiction in forever, so I sorta rambled and wrote it off the top of my head. haha
Hope you liked it! :D


  1. This is the BEST. STORY. EVER.

    Thank you, Alexx. :D We should send this to Josh. Print it out, then mail it to him. Or something.


  2. xD you soooo should. :D

    I'm glad you like it! ^^

  3. I love it. Really. It makes me smile every time I read it. Now I have to print it out so I can read it when I get really bored at school. Thanks Alexx. You rock. <3

  4. np (;
    you can replace "Girl" with your name, I just didn't know if you'd find that awkward. xD
