Wednesday, June 2, 2010

If I Could Say One Thing... (a post for Chris)

For those who don't know how to play this game, it's a nerd game, made to be played with a group. You all think of someone present, write down one thing you want to say to them that you would NEVER say to their face, then someone shuffles all the "one things" and then a reader draws them, reads them, and everyone has to guess who wrote them and to whom they were written. Chris taught it to me because he says they used to play it during study hour in the library at his school.

Come to think of it, he teaches me alot of nerd things. Like, really long abbreviations for strange sentences. And how to tell jokes where the punch line is always 23. And how to make a paper fortune so you always get the answer you want. And how to fold a dollar bill so George Washington's head looks like a tree.

Come to think of it, I think I learn most of my useless information from him.

If I could say one thing to you, I'd say thanks un-boring my airplane rides. :P


  1. That's cheating, Jazz. xD But I think I like this better. I feel loved now.

  2. You are loved.
    That and I didn't want to come up with 10 One Things. :P
