Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Today Was A Fairytale

So, Bethany mentioned I haven't posted in a few days. Which reminded me that I actually haven't. I'm out of philosophical things to think about, because this is vacation, I'm not supposed to be philosophically thinking. :P And I'd ramble about Owl City or James Marsden or something, but I'm already going to post a rambling post about Kill Paradise when I get home, so I'll wait on that. Instead I'll post another mini-trip update about yesterday.

So, yesterday, my parents and I went to a waterpark. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive from the hotel to the park, so we took a bus. It was really nice on the way up, everybody was bubbling with excitement, it was fine. When we did get there we locked up all our belongings and put on tons of sunscreen (which was useless in the end. Or possibly I'd just be more burned if I hadn't used it?) and headed for the closest attraction.

I have the best parents. I really do. They explained to me, "swimming is easy. You just try to stay afloat by displacing water to keep you above the bottom." And then they took me to the four-foot mark in "the big pool". Oh yes. They forgot to mention there's waves in "the big pool".

Some are born swimmers, some learn to swim at a young age, and the others - we have it forced upon us by giant waves and the need to survive.

As I was counting off in my head all the things I would have done with my life were it not to end any coming second as I couldn't find the surface, I had to get dragged out by a lifeguard. Who spoke Portugese. (I guess it was his summer job?) It's a wonder I felt like trying again. I eventually did get the hang of the whole "swimming" thing, though that's probably due to the fact none of the attractions had water deeper than 4 ft. [Kat wasn't very nice when I was telling her about it. She was like "AND YOU COULD STILL TOUCH THE BOTTOM??" Salt and open wounds and all that. Thanks. :P]
Throughout the day I only required the assistance of two other lifeguards. One as I again couldn't get to the surface, and the other was during a bit of an accident. See, there was this slide, and at the bottom, I slid too far and ended up somehow on my face on pavement with a gash along my jawline. Hence lifeguard #3.

It was a fun day however, and I liked it. I also saw lots and lots of redheads, which I found interesting. Because it's not all that common. I felt like I fit in. :P

Anyway, the trip home. It was so long. So very long. I was exhausted (it was 11 at least) and the bus was loud. Still bubbling with energy. I was wanting to sleep. I texted Ben for a bit, but my phone died. So the rest of the trip home I was left to just imagine..
And then I didn't sleep til near 2, or possibly later because once we were back to the room, I could charge my phone. And we had been in the middle of a conversation. :P

So this morning I slept in. And although it kind of hurts to move a lot of things at the moment, I'm happy. Because yesterday was magical. ♥

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