Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alexx and The Suggestive Vegetation

I think I'm high, REC.
I don't know what on, but something. woot.

so, at the moment I'm sick to death of my story. So I'm not writing it (ever again) until I feel like it. P: I intentionally made that smiley backwards. I want to read Twilight. I mean it. I want to put on "Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg and read all the Twilight books. But then I'd get laughed at. I think the reason I feel that way is I've been listening to Eleventyseven all day (but more on that here) and omg I just was like, listening to them and dancing around the kitchen and totally knocked a cereal box over. Oops. I hate that stuff anyway. Well, most of the time. Sometimes it's yummy. Speaking of my dancing, that's the one thing I think I fail at most in the world. Like, I can't dance at all. I can do the "mosh pit" thing, and then I can sorrrrrta imitate Single Ladies, but that's about it. Okay, though, I did a dance to 'Retro, Dance, Freak' once, and I was really good at this one part.

You make a victory/peace symbol with both hands, and then you put your right hand palm outward so your middle finger aligns with your eyebrow. You say "retro". Then you put your left hand palm outward so your middle finger touches tip to tip with the index finger of your right hand. You say "dance". And then you keep your hands still but tilt your head so your eyebrows are parallel to the line your connected fingers make and say "freak". I could do that part okay. :D

I want anyone who does that, tell me, I want to know if anybody tries it. xD
I'm so out of it right now, I apologize, you probably think I'm going insane. Who knows, I might be. In relevant news (what do I ever talk about that's relevant?) Ben put up a new picture and it's probably the cutest/sexiest thing ever, but I couldn't bring myself to comment that so I commented on the grass instead. Fail. AND IN EVEN MORE RELEVANT NEWS, I have a little story.

So this morning, I was out in our garden. We have a little 3x3 plot thing that sits on our balcony, and we never grow things in it cause they always die, but we try anyway. So, anyway. I just said anyway twice in a row. Anyway. Last night there was no sign of life in the little plot, but this morning I checked and there was like...this thing. It was a mushroom, it grew overnight - literally. And I was describing it to Kat on the phone and I was like "It's about...5 inches long, kinda skinny. It's really tan but near the tip it starts getting red and it's kinda stiff and standing straight up" And she was like 'Are you sure this is a mushroom we're talking about?' and it took me, like, a full 3 minutes before I was like "Ew, Kat, shut up, it's a plant." And then she was like 'You have some very suggestive vegetation growing it sounds like'. I kinda laughed. A little. Then like...she was like 'take a picture I want to see it.' and I went to take a picture with my phone and the mushroom was literally shriveled up dead. And I was like "holy crap, what a life span." I felt like sharing this story with you. Because I just did.

Until whatever I'm on crashes, it's best I stop talking to you.


^ that was not being racially insensitive towards my wonderful British friends, I seriously knocked over the Cheerios box, I swear.


  1. I tried it. I had to re-read the paragraph a few times before I understood it. :P

    So, just to make sure I did this right, you keep both hands in the peace sign for the whole thing right? If yes, then I think I did it right. Now I must listen to the song.

  2. YES EXACTLY. You keep them both in the peace sign. I forgot to include the song link in the paragraph.
