Saturday, February 6, 2010


Random changes are coming at me fast.

Mom got fired with no reason as to why. We got a random check for $5000 in the mail. My dad wants us to move back in together. My cat came home. He likes me again. I cut my wrists last night. I'm getting a goldfish.

I talked to Karl the other day. That was fun. I missed him for a while. But then we didn't talk about much. That sorta made me sad. I just couldn't think of anything to say. Any new topics to bring up.

Then I talked to Bethany. I wish I could help her more than I currently am. She's such a sweet girl, there's no reason life has to be like it is for her. I want the sun to shine for her, I want things to go perfectly, I want her to have not just a happy ending, but a happy story. I wish there were some way I could help her find it.

Then...Zach. I talked to Zach. It made me frustrated because all that happened was we fought about Ben. He says I'm using it as a crutch, I tried to debate it with him, then we got into a fight, and I think he's still mad at me.
Zach, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. D:
I just won't bring it up anymore...

Um...let's see...Elise got a haircut and it looks wonderful on her. I love it. And she should have won the Owl City concert. She really needed to. Lame judges. :P

Who else did I not cover...?
Matt, Ben, Kat, and Taylor.

Matt's doing fine. As is Taylor. They're living quite nice lives for now.
Ben's cool. We've been talking alot still. Things could be going better for him, but he seems to be pretty good at living life regardless so I think things will work out for him in the end. Katie-Ana's having a girl. I'm so happy for her and James! I hope things keep on going well~

So that's everybody. As for me, I don't think I really want to write about myself. I have my ups and I have my downs. Lately I've had worse downs, but I've talked them through and so I've been okay. The lowest low was when I cut my wrists again the other night. I was so scared that day. I'm not sure why but it was raining, I felt so alone, and I felt really...just completely worthless.

Of course, then I got lectured by Ben (thanks for talking me out of it all and stuff) and then I got lectured by...everybody else. And I guess they were all right, I shouldn't have done it. But now I'm scared to be alone.

Heads up to all you who I regularly talk to , expect me to talk to you alot more often and for longer times for the next week or so.

But I'll be fine because I'm always fine.
Life changes. Things get weird. Things get bad. But they'll always change back if you keep up hope. So I'm going to do just that.

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